Leadership Services


The Leadership Programs are designed to meet the needs of leaders at many levels and stages in their careers. One of the programs or a combination of them can best address the issues they are experiencing or want to address among their administrative team.

It can be lonely at the top. The Leadership Mentoring Program is like having a co-pilot on board. Whether you are at the top of your school, division, department, or project, it can be hard to navigate alone or know whom to rely on for information and partnership in decision-making.

  • The Amplified Listening Program is a tool for new Heads of School and a vital component of leadership succession planning.

  •  A Facilitated Board Meeting or a Facilitated Team Meeting can create the shift and reset needed to move a group into a more productive, strategic, or generative mode.

Programs can be modified, combined, and re-imagined, creating a bespoke solution to your school's needs.

“It would have taken me years to learn what I did in one year with Jill. I gained so much confidence to take the steps to bring in big gifts and sponsorships with Jill’s encouragement and guidance.”

– Emily Davis
Head of School,
Gardner School of Arts and Sciences