Your independent school leadership view should be 360°

Improve your school’s performance with research, insight, mentoring, and skill-building

Jill Goodman Consulting specializes in advancement-related qualitative research, small shop fundraising capacity-building, and leadership facilitation and support for independent and private school leaders helping them to harness the combination of smart methodology, creativity, and clarity that is essential to stand out from the competition.

Enrollment Services

Enrollment SERVICES

Your school sees admission results each season: new families, attrition, and yield statistics. That's the tip of the iceberg. With proven research methodology, Jill will expand your understanding of the causes of your admission results. With a broader view of your enrollment program, you can focus on deeper issues that can undermine your school's success.

Development services

Development Services

The smaller the development shop, the more likely it is to lack critical skills or a comprehensive understanding of prioritizing your efforts. And, if you are a one-person shop, it can be completely overwhelming without a plan, structure, goals, and a mentor. Jill will help you gain a more focused view of your development program, so you can address inefficiencies that affect your school's ability to meet its goals.


Leadership services

New leaders or leaders faced with brand new challenges need new ways to gather and process information. With one-on-one mentoring and the benefit of research where required, Jill works with leaders at all levels to expand their views and use new ways to realize their management, empathic, visionary, and implementation skills.


We're in this together.

On the road with JGC


"I’m always looking for great content to share in my Daily Jolt e-newsletter and the JGC blog is definitely a source I turn to for well written, actionable advice."

- Rob Norman, Best Boy
InspirED School Marketers


JGC: Blog + News